An Interview With The Founder Of Chatbot Marketing Agency, Jim Rowe

Nearly, all the organizations, industries and other marketing segments are obsessed with AI technology. AI demonstrates behavior associated with human intelligence. Indeed, it is a vast area to get in-depth knowledge. Naturally, we couldn’t resist this promising technology. 

Today, we are excited to bring an in-depth educational post about chatbot technology. Here comes the most intellectual “chatbot guy” who is more obsessed when it comes to chatbot technology. Botsify was fortunate enough to be able to talk with Jim Rowe, the founder of Jim Rowe-bot. He achieved many milestones and worked with numerous organizations and executed multiple projects.

Jim is the the most enthusiastic expert in developing and designing chatbots for different business domains. He works tirelessly to create the best experiences for our chatbot audiences. He is also proficient in marketing and management skills.

Jim’s expertise lies in Facebook Messenger Marketing, Conversational Commerce development & Design, Facebook Marketing, Campaign management, technology integrations, chatbots, chatbot development, chatbot design. 

He’s professional, knowledgeable, flexible, organised, a great communicator, passionate and very inspiring. Many people endorsed him with such humble words that makes him a mastermind in the technical field.

Let’s talk with him!

Botsify: Hi Jim, first of all, thank you for giving your precious time  and speaking with us today. Let’s start with your career, how did you start with it, and what hurdles you have faced during the time.

Jim: I came across the world of Chatbots and AI in early 2017 whilst working for a UK based start-up. We used our first Messenger-driven Chatbot to educate potential clients to a new product and it worked exceptionally well and I was hooked. At that stage primarily on technology but later, I become more passionate about good conversational design.

Botsify: Jim, your company’s main focus on “Facebook Messenger Chatbots” and I believe there is a reason behind, but as we see around, the social media platform is going vast and numerous messaging apps around here. Why does your company focus on Facebook Messenger apps?

Jim: Good question. Also we have the conversational design skills to work on many different platforms, we see Messenger-driven Chatbots as the ‘entry point’ for most SME’s here in the UK. Firstly, their needs are less technical, focusing on either customer service or sales and marketing. Secondly, Messenger-driven Chatbots offer good opportunities to better service customers without breaking the bank.

Botsify: Being an agency partner and running multiple projects, let’s shed the light on what is the future of world business after this pandemic?

Jim: It’s become quite apparent that the pandemic has hastened the already fast adoption of businesses being able to better service their customers online, 24/7. I feel that automation will play an increasing role in how businesses provide that 24/7 service that customers now expect. Messenger bots help fill that need.

Botsify: Jim, I’m sure you have heard about the prediction that by 2020 almost 80% businesses will use chatbot and we are seeing that, Now what kind of revolution do you see in the future regarding the usage of chatbot in different industries?

Jim: An area we are focusing on is helping small businesses to scale quickly. In our case this is often coaches, consultants and advisors. In the past they are typically limited to selling slots of their time. With automation and primarily Messenger-driven Chatbots they can service more customers, better. The challenge is taking what are very human-to-human business services and learning where to apply automation using Messenger to automate and claw back time.

Botsify: What do you think artificial intelligence fills the gap between online retailers and the customers, effectively and the personalized touch makes customers’ experience more satisfied? Have you ever experienced when people didn’t get satisfaction from chatbot?

Jim: As strange as it sounds I am often challenged by business leaders claiming that they don’t want to need a Chatbot as they believe that their business is built on the personal experience of that human-to-human interaction. They will often claim to have experienced a terrible Chatbot experience, but when pressed cannot explain when and where. It’s often more belief than fact. We have seen clients be able to 10x the number of clients that can help, using Messenger Chatbots.

Botsify: I’ve seen that AI is taking over the world and so many inventions are coming out. What will be the next thing in artificial intelligence between now and 2025? How AI will help small businesses in 2020 and onward?

Jim: Although I believe that AI is beyond the reach of most small businesses due to both budget and technical knowledge, this will not always be the case. Over the next 3-5 years, I would hope that it becomes the norm for small businesses to integrate some level of AI assistance into both their Customer Service and marketing bots.

Botsify: Jim, I’m sure you have heard about the prediction that by 2022, chatbot are expected to help reduce business costs by up to $8 billion. Will it help to recover all the business from COVID-19 crises?

Jim: Due to the pressures on businesses of all sizes, many are going to be focussed solely on survival in the first instance. In a post COVID-19 world some, when the time is right, will start to explore how they can use automation, AI and Chatbots to continue working during a crisis.

Botsify: Sadly, in this pandemic situation, some businesses have collapsed and few still running smoothly. What do you think about your business activity in these challenging days? How is your working experience in this pandemic? 

Jim: There has been very little impact on us as a business. We have always been a remote team about to work from anywhere with the internet. For many of our customers this has been challenging, especially for venues, a key market for us. We have also found that some businesses have had more time on their hands to explore new ways of working and for some, the benefits of using Messenger-driven Chatbots is clear. 

Botsify: As we all know the circumstances have changed after the COVID-19 pandemic, maybe the new normal will be different for us. How will the COVID-19 change the way we travel? And after this pandemic, do you have any plan where you would like to travel? 

Jim: I think for many businesses that in the past would visit clients and prospects there May well be a drastic change to meeting virtually online. For us that has always been the case. Most of our client meetings take place in Messenger and more frequently now in Messenger Rooms (why wouldn’t you?). 

Botsify: Quote your favorite thoughts that give inspiration for a successful business insider.


 Stay focused at all costs – It’s the distractions that steel time and steel dreams.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with our blog audience. Botsify truly appreciate your insights! 



  • Remsha Moghis

    Remsha Moghis joined the team as a content writer and HR manager at Botsify. Her professional degree is Master of Public Administration (HR) from the University of Karachi. She has a sound knowledge of digital marketing. Her expertise lies in creative content writing, social media marketing, and managing administration and networks.

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