Botsify video chat

Increase website engagement with video call feature

In the time of immediate communications and instant gratification, relationships between businesses and customers are changing. Driven by customers’ need for personalized and seamless interactions, brands are constantly adopting new communication channels, which allow them to reach customers at any stage of their purchasing journey. However,  website engagement is quite important for the online business owners to stand out in the crowd as in this online business world we have lots of competitors to face off.

Botsify has launched a trouble-free & easy-to-use Video Call Support feature. Start upvoting now & be a part of an extraordinary platform!

Botsify Video Call Support - Botsify introduces video calls for better customer support | Product Hunt Embed


Making a purchase nowadays is easier than ever as customers can go from discovering a product on Instagram to an online checkout system in less than a minute. With 51% of UK consumers saying they prefer to shop online, the pressure is on for businesses to engage customers in high-touch point, more personalized interactions.

Have a look at the infographics to know the percentages of video calling engagement in different areas.

Source: Lifesize

So you can increase your website engagement by using a simple video calling method. And think if you can apply a video calling option in your chat section that whenever you need you can send a video calling request to your customer and guide them perfectly?

So for this facility, Botsify is launching a new Video Calling Feature through which you can easily contact your customer and explain them through video chat whenever they face any difficulty.

Did you know?

In modern years, video calling has become a preferred method for customers to interact with a company – and for good reason. The urgency to deliver great customer service prompted more than 100 of the 500 largest global businesses to introduce video-based customer service in 2018. Also, being the nearest equivalent to face-to-face communication online, the solution enables customers to interact with a customer service agent in real-time, without having to interrupt their browsing session.

In 2019, video-empowered communication will comprise an even more important part of businesses’ multichannel customer service strategy. If you are looking to bring an additional degree of personalization to your customer interactions and provide agents with a united view of their buying journey, then read further on to discover how video calling would enable you to do so.

Why use this Video Calling feature?

If a customer’s buying journey starts from any message chatting platform, goes through to your online website, and finishes in the brick-and-mortar store, how can brands ensure they provide effective support at every stage of the shopping experience?

  • 57% of customers feel more confident in making a purchase after watching a product demo.
  • 50% of customers are more inclined to engage with a retailer who makes video content about their products.

Video calls can be the solution that glues the fragmented customer journey together. It offers the opportunity for the whole customer experience to be brought online, with real-time product demos giving the customer a 360-degree view of a product, creating a shopping experience resembling an authentic in-store one.

Let’s talk more about the perks of using this video calling feature and getting more website engagement.

Provide Real-time Support to your Customers

With a wide reach of the internet, real-time consulting is indeed booming at a high pace. Many of the businesses that need face-to-face interaction can highly benefit from the live voice or video chat. This feature allows people to get quick support and help in real-time. The technology that exists in the modern world is well equipped to provide customers with real-time customer service and the customers expect their service providers to deliver them with the same.

As per a survey, 82% of customers abandon the service provider’s website due to poor customer service. While 61% of them expected the customer service to be faster, a whopping 73% expect the service to be more easy and convenient for the end-user.”

Resolve problems quickly with lesser touchpoints

While communicating via video chat, the customer can explain to the agents what all issues he/she is encountering while browsing their websites, and the agents will, in turn, provide a solution for their issues. Through Video chat, you can quickly explain to them the things that have gone wrong.

You know what? 

33% of customers are most frustrated by having to wait on hold. So, Video chat for customer service helps businesses to deliver faster solutions, It is a perfect solution for complex technical issues that require visual understanding, which is difficult to explain reactive channels such as phone, email or text.

Let’s see how the Botsify video call option is working…

Boost up your customer satisfaction rate 

In an era of cut-throat competition, if your customer is not satisfied with your services, you need to worry. Video chat is the best communication tool for the long-term growth of the business and to streamline the customer support process. An instant solution to queries will surely make them feel good. 

Through this video calling feature, the customers get to have direct visual interaction with the agents who help them to sort out all their issues and difficulties while browsing the website. This decreases the frustration level of the customer and helps in elevating the trust level. That can increase the satisfaction rate to a great level and you are my likely to get an engaging environment on your website and can acquire more customers.

What you are looking for, the same thing, don’t you?


How you are Going to Apply this Feature?

You know what? Using this Video calling feature is as easy as ABC. Also, you can increase your website engagement within minutes with these 2 simple steps…Isn’t it great?

Enable Video Calling Option.

So for using video calling you don’t have to set up it or deploy anything you just need to enable the video option located in the live chat area of Botsify. And your customer will get the message with a link which is redirected to a video call and that’s how you just simply start to use it.


Sent Video calling link and Start Engaging

After simply enabling the option boom your video calling feature is ready now. You can easily engage your customer within your brand. And leave an excellent customer service experience to convert new buyers into loyal customers. In addition, what you need to do is just enable the calling option and ask for a video chat through a message. And then sent the customer a link by clicking on the link buyer be able to video chat with you without nd video calling software or any signup.

This feature is really easy to use and have a great impact on customer service by using this feature you can create a perfect website engagement environment. And generate leads by providing customer good and perfect customer service.

 So do you want to get leads with visual engagement? use this feature now…

Use Video chat Feature Now

So, that’s how Video chats are important for us to enhance website engagement. Try out the Botsify Video Chat feature and enhance your customer service and create engagement with your customers …

So what are your thoughts about the Video Chat feature and chatbots?

Let us know in the comment section below.

Try this Video Chat feature of Botsify…

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  • Aiman Zaidi

    Aiman joined the team as a Senior Content Writing Executive and adds technical content to our blog section. She did her Bachelors in Computer science from Federal Urdu University. She holds expertise in multiple departments like content writing, Content marketing, and social networking. She also handles our website content and design help tutorials also...

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