education sector

Top 8 advantages of AI in the education sector

By 2022, any sphere of life has become closely connected to modern technology regarding the education sector. You really can’t imagine your life without various gadgets, know-how, and inventions. This includes your education as well. The times when you had to stand in line to make a single copy of a file at the only place on campus that had a copier have passed.

Now, you have everything you need at the tip of your fingers. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, people started to realize the role that technology plays in their lives. Since the younger generation has a great privilege of accessing the latest inventions, it’s only natural that technology will be used in the education sector as well.

Generally speaking, there are many devices that are already used for education sector on a daily basis. For example, if your classroom doesn’t have a whiteboard, you can use an interactive board instead. Online university portals are a necessity now because students need to have easy access to their learning materials. Another innovation that is gaining more traction is AI.

Despite what you might think, artificial intelligence is not only used in sci-fi movies. It is very much around us, so here are the top 8 advantages of AI in the education sector!

What are AI-powered solutions? 

You have probably already heard about artificial intelligence, but not everybody knows how it works. If all your knowledge about AI comes from movies and games, you might think that it’s only used in some highly technological settings. This is a very common mistake! Artificial intelligence is used everywhere, from chatbots to deep space research. 

Of course, for daily use, AI-powered solutions are pretty simple. Basically, these are the tasks that require a certain level of intelligence and are fulfilled by a computer or a robot. For example, smart cars use AI to predict a route. Even your phone uses artificial intelligence for making text suggestions or powering your voice-controlled assistance like Alexa or Siri.

AI benefits for students and teachers

It’s quite obvious that technology is meant to make daily lives better. Artificial intelligence is not an exception in this matter. Usually, students have one big goal, which is to get their diploma and graduate. Professors are also interested in an effective collaboration with their learners because nobody is interested in students failing their exams! Here is when AI comes into play.

Think about it: if you have ever used at least one of these tools, you have already incorporated artificial intelligence into your learning:

  • Plagiarism checkers;
  • Online scheduling;
  • Language learning on the internet;
  • Test preps online;
  • Transcription of lectures (audio to writing);
  • And many more.

With the help of artificial intelligence, the process of getting your degree becomes more streamlined. On the other hand, this doesn’t mean that studying will be easy! You can combine using AI with seeking essay help online for maximum results. Sure, there are some aspects of your learning path that can be improved, but a lot still depends on your determination!

Today various types of AI-based calculators are available on the Internet that just require the values from the users and perform the calculation swiftly such as calculatored. This website offers a great range of calculators to make complex calculations easy for students. So that they can easily focus on the concept instead of wasting time performing the calculations. In this way, AI is helping a lot in the education sector.


Perhaps, this is the biggest benefit of using AI. It allows customizing every experience both for pupils and for their teachers! From the point of view of a professor, meeting the needs of every single learner at the same time is impossible. This is why they use artificial intelligence to adapt to the unique needs of their learners!

As you can see, this is an advantage for all parties. Here are a couple of examples of this personalization:

  1. Analysis of students’ needs and abilities.
  2. Identification of current strong points and possible gaps in knowledge.
  3. Analysis of previous learning experiences.
  4. Adaptation to the current level of knowledge.
  5. Development of a working curriculum that will be adjusted to a specific group of learners.

Organized information

This point goes to online libraries, university portals, and online classrooms. Here, AI combines with machine learning to create a directory that will be easy to navigate for any user! For example, when you use Google Scholar, artificial intelligence tools quickly provide you with a accurate citation, a PDF file with open-source info, and even the full text of an article!

The streamlined learning process for all

As it was mentioned before, AI opens up new possibilities in the world of education sector. First of all, it’s great to have a personalized plan that will help you get your diploma faster and without much hassle. But think about those people who have special needs and who are not able to take part in a traditional educational system! In this case, a tailored learning pace means the world to them.

Automation of tasks

This is a very useful benefit for everybody involved in education and especially for teachers in the education sector. With artificial intelligence, you don’t have to do routine mindless work anymore! Since half of the classes and tests are already done online, AI takes up the tasks of grading papers, distributing exam sheets, and much more stuff that you don’t really think about!

This automation also includes some of the following examples:

  • Essay grading;
  • Scheduling courses and exams;
  • Voice-activated assistance;
  • Machine translation and transcription of lectures.

Less human error

This is a direct result of the automation of some tasks. When professors grade 25 papers in a row, they are bound to miss something. Students are often discouraged by this, so they ask to resubmit the assignment. This situation is stressful for everyone involved, and it also takes away valuable time from the learners and their teachers.

With the massive implementation of robots and AI, the margin for human error has reduced dramatically. This means that professors don’t have to spend their time checking tests and papers anymore! At the same time, learners can be sure that their grades won’t depend on the mood of their teachers or their level of tiredness. 

Adaptation of any curriculum

Because of the highly personalized aspect of education, AI allows all parties to adjust their schedule according to their needs. As it was mentioned before, some people are not able to keep up with the traditional schedule. For example, you might have to work all day to put yourself through college. In this case, the evening schedule will be perfect for you!

Another example is the adaptation of the learning process for the students and teachers with special needs. There are definitely groups with at least one learner who needs a different pace because of some condition or learning disability. With the help of AI, this group doesn’t need to exclude people just because they need a little bit more time. AI will create a schedule for them!

Immersive learning

Apart from amazing applications in scheduling and automation, artificial intelligence also has an effect on the level of engagement in the learning process. Take virtual reality, for example. Those who study biology can perform entire surgeries with the help of VR without actually harming the animals. Astronomers can know more about the universe without specialized equipment.

24/7 access to materials

Today, people are used to having all the information they need at the tip of their fingers. With only a couple of clicks, you can access any book or article that you want. In this case, artificial intelligence can track what you have been searching for and offer more useful suggestions for your research. With this smart content, students can combine visuals and audio for the best results.

How are these solutions used in education Sector?

There are some amazing examples of using artificial intelligence for learning. With the help of this technology, teachers can adjust their curriculum to the unique needs of their students. Some tasks can also be automated, like grading or giving out assignments, so professors can focus more on the hands-on teaching approach.

Here are some of the most popular examples of AI in the education sector that you probably already know!

  • Duolingo. Yes, this little owl helper shows exactly what is so great about AI! The tests here are adaptive, which means that they can change according to your learning progress.
  • ThinkerMath. This is a unique software that helps students to learn math. You can get an award or a trophy to celebrate your progress. What is more important is that AI tracks your progress and creates a personalized schedule for you.
  • Jill Watson. This is a virtual assistant that was created by the Georgia Institute of Technology. Basically, this is a chatbot that talks to students with the help of machine learning patterns.
  • Third Space Learning. This is a virtual classroom that offers one-on-one math sessions. In this case, artificial intelligence predicts when a student potentially loses interest in these lessons. This way, a new scenario and type of lesson are offered to a user.


So there you have it, the top 8 benefits of using artificial intelligence in education sector! Technology is only going forward, so you can be sure that in the next couple of years, there will be even more advantages to AI. Now, every time when you check your paper for plagiarism or use an online scheduling tool, you can thank AI for this!


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